Welcome to our website!

Waianae, HI

Welcome to our website!

Waianae, HI

Prayer Request Form

Please fill out the form below

We will send out a prayer cloth if requested. Acts 19:12

(We hope to get a special phone number for a 24/7  Prayer Hotline soon.)

All information is kept confidential. We will not spam.

Name First, Last* Required field!
Prayer For Yourself? Y/N Required field!
Email* Required field!
Prayer Recipient name First, Last

Fill in if the recipient is not you.

Required field!
Emergency? Y/N

2 emergency situations are if the person is expected to  live another 24 hours or less or if someone has recently passed and needs to be raised from the dead.

Required field!
Phone Number. We will call if YES for Emergency Required field!
What do you need healed? Required field!
Prayer Cloth? Y/N

Prayer cloths are mailed free of charge.

Required field!
Name & Address of where Prayer Cloth is to be mailed Required field!
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