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Waianae, HI

Welcome to our website!

Waianae, HI

 Faith in the Goodness of God brings Freedom!


Monkeypod Tree Ministries

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2 MEV

About Us


Keith and Vickie, Pastors of Monkeypod Tree Ministries, believe that God loves all people and is willing that all be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

We understand that God has given the church the authority of the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the responsibility to preach and teach the Good News of His Kingdom with signs following, such as healing the sick and delivering the oppressed.

We believe that healing the sick is “the dinner bell of the Gospel” because it communicates Gods love so thoroughly and gives God Glory.

A major focus of Monkeypod Tree Ministries is praying for the sick and training disciples to do the same.

Keith and Vickie were married on Christmas Day in 2000. Keith has been actively ministering since 1985 and Vickie since 1971, maybe not always in a “position” with a “title”, but with their lifestyles. A few months after they married, they started a home church. Both have  Certificates of Completion for Dominion Bible Institute 2 year program and are Ordained Ministers through Monkeypod Tree Ministries. 

Keith and Vickie believe leaders should be servants....therefore they don't really like titles such as Pastor.  They are comfortable with being called Brother Keith or Sister Vickie or simply Keith and Vickie.

Fulfilling Our Destiny

Healing Testimony

Watch this powerful story of healing!

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AUnf8jw6xXs" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Tingly All Over

A Healing Story

Friend since 1st grade, Kathy Huffman, contacted me via Facebook posting, “I am in need of prayer as my doctor said my kidneys are showing signs of failure but I know Jesus is a mighty physician. Thank you 🙏 for the prayers in advance.”

I posted back to Kathy: “In the Name of Jesus, Be healed head to toe, Kathy. Be free, be Blessed. I command your kidneys to line up with the Word of God and to work right and for you to be strong & healthy all the days of your life & able to do whatever God puts in front of you to do. Amen!”

06.22.20 Kathy posted:

“My back hurts where the kidneys are at also my lumbar area where it was damaged from an accident years ago in Alaska where I hit a moose at 65mph.”

I asked Kathy if I could do a video with her through a FaceBook Room. I commanded all pain to be gone and for Kathy to be healed, free and blessed. All pain left immediately.

Then she posted this: “Thank you, I’m not hurting. I feel tingly all over! Papa God is doing something! Isn’t He just the best??”

The next morning Kathy sent this: “Oh my Goodness! I slept all night long yahoooo! I am still not hurting either!”

I asked her a couple of days later how she was doing and she said great and that she was at the laundry mat doing laundry.


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