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Waianae, HI

Welcome to our website!

Waianae, HI

About Us

Jesus Saves

Brief Testimonies of how we became Born-Again


Although my mother read us Bible stories and I had attended a sort of vacation Bible school in the 4th grade I was completely clueless about God and decided I was an atheist sometime in high school. in my senior year I started going to church with a friend. I do remember at some point I asked Jesus to be my Savior but I never submitted to His Lordship. I went in the Navy after graduation and learned a whole new way of life and got heavily involved in alcohol and drugs. By the time I got out of the navy 3 years later I was pretty burnt out. About 2 months later I overdosed on poisonous mushrooms and was taken to the hospital. In this overdose I saw myself die and go to hell. That was a very, very bad scene. While unconscious I realized I hadn't died but that I needed God's help. I realized I needed to be serious with God and I said "Jesus save me!" Instantly I felt the Holy Spirit come into my body, I sat up in bed and said "Nurse, I'm alright!"  I am incredibly thankful for the grace and mercy of God for He has truly transformed my life. 


At 6 years old, I remember our Pastor's wife leading us in the song, "Come Into My Heart, Lord Jesus" and she said to really mean it.  I remember it so clearly....I think that was the beginning for me.  But I didn't really understand the Gospel until I was 16; that I could have a personal relationship with God.  I knew that was what I wanted above all else and I became Born-Again and Baptized in the Holy Spirit the same day.  I have never been the same.  My spirit became one with Christ's Spirit and I truly became a New Creation.  I have never regretted the decision to make Jesus my Lord and Savior.

Prophectic Vision

Vickie's Vision of the Tree

In 2002, I had a vision of my husband, Keith, as a huge tree with a long low branch. I was standing beneath the branch next to the trunk. The Lord said there was room for many others under the branch. In 2004 I told an artist friend about the vision and she painted a mural in our great room where we held our Home Church gatherings.


Vision Come True

In 2010 Keith and I went on vacation to Big Island, Hawaii to celebrate our 10th Wedding Anniversary.

 That is when I first saw the Monkeypod Tree and realized that was the tree in my vision. It was during 

that trip that God confirmed to Keith and I over and over again that He was calling us to the Hawaiian 

Islands. It took 4 years for God to put His plan together to bring us here. In 2015 we moved to Oahu. 

Keith worked 6 years and then retired 2021. We now have a Divine Healing Ministry and plan to make 

many disciples and train them to do what we do.

What We Believe


We believe the Bible is God-inspired, and is to be the authoritative rule of life and practice for all Christians. We believe the Scriptures can be fulfilled and must not be broken. We believe that the Old Testament was the type and shadow of better things to come, and that the New Testament is the perfect expression of God’s will and character as expressed through Jesus Christ. The Epistles are the expression of what Christ has done for us and desires to do through us. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 1:1-3; John 10:35; Matt. 5:19, 19:17; 1 John 2:3-4 )


We believe man was created in the image of God and that his purpose was to have dominion over all the works of God’s hands. (Gen. 1:26)


We believe that by voluntary disobedience man fell from perfection. (Romans 5:12)


We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon for all who believe in Him, and that we have no righteousness (of our own) and must come to God pleading the righteousness of Christ as our only justification. (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:8)


We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a life pleasing unto God, to do the works of Christ, and to meet the needs of all humanity. (John 14:12; 16:7-16; Acts 1:8)


We believe the church (on earth) is comprised of all in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells, and that the church is the body of Christ upon the earth and is to grow up into Him in all things. (Rom.8:9; Eph. 1:23; 4:12-16


We believe that the judgment of God has been passed unto Jesus. That God is not judging anyone at this time. There is A day of Judgment but it is not today. John 5:22; 12:47-48; Acts 17:30-31; 1 CO. 6:2


We believe that the grace which came by Jesus Christ is extended to all to the end that they might believe in Him. We believe this grace is both the opportunity and the ability given to men to repent and turn to Christ for the remission of sin. We believe repentance from dead works includes forsaking any works that might be thought to merit favor or salvation from God. (John 1:16, 17; Rom. 11:6; Heb. 6:1; 9:14)


We believe God is Triune: Therefore Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equally Divine and therefore equally deity.(1 John 5:7-8; Matt. 1:20-25; 2 Corinthians 13:14)


We believe that there is a literal devil (satan) and that he is the adversary of God and man and that there are spirit beings known as demons and angels. (1 Peter 5:8; Matt. 8:16; Mark 16:17; Heb. 1:7, 13-14)


We believe that whatsoever is not of faith is sin and that our sin has been forgiven and not imputed unto us. We believe that if we sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, which will cleanse us of all unrighteousness. (Rom. 4:8; 6:14; 14:23;

1 John 1:9-2:1)


We believe that Christ is our sanctification and we are therefore sanctified upon our receiving Him, and that we grow in grace as we grow in Christ therefore ever growing in holiness of life. (1 Co. 1:30; 1 Thess. 4:3; 2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 3:18)


We believe Divine Healing is the power of God to heal the sick (in mind or body), that healing for every person was included in Christ’s atoning sacrifice, and that it is God’s will for every Christian to minister healing to anyone at any time. (Psalm 103:2; Isaiah 53:4; Matt. 8:16-17; 1 Peter 2:24; John 14:12)


We believe that we are to have faith towards God based upon the promises of God and that the fulfillment of those promises are based upon God’s faithfulness. We believe that we are to have faith in God and not in our faith. Our faith is that God has and will keep His Word. (Mark 11:22-23; Heb. 6:1; 11:11; 2 Tim. 2:13)


We believe that God has designated and instituted duly called and equipped persons to function as the overseers of the Body of Christ (the church) upon the earth, and that these persons are charged with the equipping and edification of the saints until such time as the church has grown up into the image of Christ. (Eph. 4:11-15; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-3)


We believe the Kingdom of God is what Jesus preached and demonstrated and that we are to continue His ministry in the same manner and with the same results. We also believe that we are to advance the Kingdom of God upon the earth until such time as Christ shall entreat us to enter into the joy of our Lord. (Mark 1:15; Luke 4:43; Luke 9:60-10:11; Acts 8:12; 19:8; 20:25; 1 Co. 4:20; 2 Thess. 1:5; Matt. 25:19-23)


We believe that the Christian Mission is to: Love God in thought, word, and deed & to love your neighbor as yourself, which is practiced by doing unto them as you would have done unto you. Your love for God and man will be demonstrated by reproducing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, both domestically and in foreign lands by every Biblical method.

(Matt. 7:11-29; Matt. 28:18-20) 

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